Ualabi, minimalist sustainability

A Vida Group's exclusive coverings and furniture pieces leave their mark on Ualabi's offices in Barcelona

By its very nature, minimalism goes hand in hand with a concept as necessary and current as sustainability. Its characteristic neatness and austerity, the elimination of the superfluous and the reduction in the consumption of resources make this artistic trend a great ally of the environment.

Something that, undoubtedly, was destined to become the central idea of Ualabi’s creation and management space. For this, the company specializing in leather garments decided to rely on the expertise of A Vida Group in the field of offices to provide them with an identity in line with its values. Modern. Cosmopolitan. Sustainable.

Located in Barcelona, Ualabi’s facilities are, without a doubt, a mirror reflection of the values that identify the company. Its design and production philosophy, based on efficiency, precision, exhaustive knowledge of raw materials and a deep ecological awareness, are translated into the workspaces’ finishes, lighting and furniture.

The aesthetic proposal is sober and measured. Clean lines and bare textures. The color palette is reduced to the minimum expression, configuring a homogeneous horizon in which every little detail counts.

Zona de comedor y cocina de las oficias de Ualabi

A very continuous space-time

Almost all office surfaces are covered with the infinite number of wall coverings produced by our teams. These finishes create a sense of continuity without leaving any visible seams while revealing the nature of their haptic and material qualities to establish a direct connection with the Ualabi way of working.

Evidence of this is the modern staircase that connects the two levels. Its lack of joints and its characteristic uniformity make it a perfect transitional element, which fluidly facilitates communication between the offices as a whole.

The kitchen and dining area, the perfect example of A Vida Group’s capabilities, is articulated similarly. Pivoting around an elegant central island, which is complemented by the simplicity of the large niche in which its utilities are located, our finishes act as a patina present throughout the geometry of the space, reinforcing its volumetric effect that reminds us of the best rationalist interior design.

In line with the coverings distributed throughout the offices, our exclusive pieces of furniture, which act as an extension of the continent, originate from the same materials. Providing them with a similar invoice, the sensation of amplitude and harmony achieved makes Ualabi a genuinely different place.