El Hombre Pez, a journey between continents

A Vida Group participates in creating El Hombre Pez, a sensational restaurant in Madrid that fuses Cantabrian tradition with Indian influences

Marrying antipodal elements to create something never seen before is a task that requires courage. It is an undertaking in which you can never be certain that you will do it in grand style but whose reward is unparalleled. It demands a character-driven to go beyond all thresholds to discover a new and fascinating reality.

This is, without a doubt, a philosophy that we at A Vida Group know very well. It is at the heart of our gaze. Of the multiple perspectives that make up our way of doing things. That has led Grupo Khazuria to count on our expertise in hospitality projects to dress their restaurant, El Hombre Pez, with the most exquisite paraments and the most original furniture.

Located in the dynamic Salamanca neighbourhood in Madrid, El Hombre Pez is an authentic temple of the most eclectic design, which pays tribute to a special legendary figure of Cantabrian mythology: The Fish Man of Liérganes.

This creature is said to have swum across great seas for more than five years. It perfectly synthesizes the restaurant’s DNA, presenting the public with an unforgettable culinary and aesthetic journey from Cantabria to India.

In this way, El Hombre Pez is configured as a place of confluence between the delights of Cantabrian culture and the exuberant world of the Indian subcontinent. Avant-garde and tradition merge in a continent of continents, in a space that does not leave aside its cohesion and coherence to show the diversity of its charms.

The magic of the unexpected

Turning oxymorons into reality is one of A Vida Group‘s specialities. This ability can be appreciated in every room of El Hombre Pez, which is configured on three levels to accommodate the restaurant’s different atmospheric proposals.

The upper floor is composed of a large and fascinating dining room, where our designer furniture, exclusive finishes and geometric walls create a room perfect for procrastinating in every detail. Each element is a micro-universe in itself, a small enigma waiting to be solved.

On the first floor, more organic forms coexist with lines of a markedly rectilinear character, giving life to a cocktail bar space where the purest exoticism reigns. At this crossroads, the cladding created by our teams takes centre stage, creating a welcoming horizon with something to tell.

Finally, the surprises do not stop on the mezzanine, where a small dining room welcomes visitors to the site. Colourful figures from the East and West coexist with our exclusive home decor pieces. The contrast of colors and textures highlights the qualities of our work, of the aesthetic and functional proposal that we have captured from A Vida Group in every corner of El Hombre Pez.