Topographies of Pleasure, Casa Decor Award

A Vida Group shape to Topographies of Pleasure, the Casa Decor 2020 Award designed by architect Lorna de Santos. An original showroom inspired by the beauty of pure material

Wabi-sabi. The beauty of humility, of simplicity, cradled by the passing of the clock. Of time as a unit of measurement that improves. That seduces despite its imperfections. Topographies of Pleasure is the exquisite showroom architect Lorna de Santos, who created and received the Casa Decor Award in 2020.

A project inspired by this Japanese philosophy in which the work and experience of A Vida Group assumed a central role. Our artisans created original pieces and coverings that enhanced the unique identity proposed by the architect.

Because Topographies of Pleasure is minimalism and pause. Peace. That absolute calm that distinguishes Japanese culture. The antithesis of today’s society so often accelerated by stress and noise. By a frenzy that splashes everything.

The showroom plays with pure materials and an identifiable idea to create a space that shows and welcomes. That invites you to observe. To stop. Something like the sensation awakened by Rothko’s paintings.

The work of A Vida Group in the project awarded by Casa Decor looks in a transversal way. The cloth created by the artisans with our coatings contrasts with the presence of wood, a play of materials and shapes that surprises the visitor.

Our classic tables with organic shapes and the integrated planter give the showroom that organic touch so iconic of Japanese culture.

This is Topographies of Pleasure—a new way of understanding trends.